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Gan Mao Ling+ Yin Qiao San
Gan Mao Ling Plus Lonicera and Forsythia Formula


This is a combination of Gan Mao Ling and Yin Qiao San.

Ban Lan Gen, Gang Mei Gen, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, San Cha Ku, Ye Ju Hua, Huang Qin, Jie Geng, Niu Bang Zi, Bo He

Isatis root, Ilex Lonicera, Forsythia Fruit, Evodia, Chrysanthemum flower, skullcap root, platycodon, burdock fruit, mentha

Other Ingredients: Water, Ethanol, Acacia Vera, Honey

Chinese Medicine
Clears Wind Heat, Releases the Exterior.

Dosing Recommendations
This tincture can be administered at any time. A standard dose is 1 tsp 2x/day. In acute cases, dosage may be increased up to 2 tsp 2x/day. Once acute symptoms are resolved this formula should be discontinued, or combined with an appropriate constitutional formula.

Conditions of Wind-Cold

Gan Mao (HOT Cold/Flu , Severe Sore Throat)

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